Research Publications
See Google Scholar for citations.
Members of the Shingleton lab are shown in bold.
66. Shingleton, A.W., Weed, M. The Mechanisms of Reproductive Trade-Offs. In Revision.
65. Campbell, J.B., Shingleton, A.W., Greenlee, K.J. , Gray, A.E., Smith, H.C., Callier, V.C., Lundquist, T., Harrison, J.F. HIF-signaling in the prothoracic gland regulates growth and development in hypoxia but not normoxia in Drosophila. Journal of Experimental Biology. 227 (18): jeb247697
64. Tyson, J.J., Monshizadeh, A., Shvartsman, S.Y., Shingleton, A.W. 2023. A dynamical model of growth and maturation in Drosophila. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 120 (49) e2313224120
Read more about this paper here.
63. Wilcox, A.S., Vea, I.M., Frankino, W.A., Shingleton, A.W. 2023. Genetic variation of morphological scaling in Drosophila. Heredity. 130, 302–311
62. Vea, I.M., Wilcox, A.S., Frankino, W.A., Shingleton, A.W. 2023. Genetic variation in Sexual Size Dimorphism Is associated with variation in Sex-Specific Plasticity in Drosophila. American Naturalist. 202, 368-381
61. Shingleton, A.W., Vea, I.M. 2023. Sex-specific development, growth and metabolism. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology. 138, 117-127.
60. Alves, A.N., Oliveira, M.M., Koyama, T., Shingleton, A.W. Mirth, C.K.. 2022. Ecdysone coordinates plastic growth with robust pattern in the developing wing. eLife. 11:e72666
59. Kapali, G.P., Callier, V., Broeker, H., Tank, P. Gascoigne, S.J.L., Harrison, J.F., Shingleton, A.W. 2022. The steroid hormone ecdysone regulates growth in response to oxygen availability. Scientific Reports. 12, 4730
58. McDonald, J.M.C., Nabili, P., Thorsen, L., Joen, S., Shingleton, A.W. 2021. Sex-specific plasticity and the nutritional geometry of insulin-signaling gene expression in Drosophila melanogaster. EvoDevo. 12:6.
57. Vea, I.M., Shingleton, A.W., 2020. Network-regulated organ allometry: The developmental regulation of morphological scaling. WIREs Developmental Biology. 10: e391
See also report in Advanced Science News
56. Grantham, M.E., Shingleton, A.W., Dudley, E., Brisson, J.A. 2019. Expression profiling of winged and wingless destined pea aphid embryos implicates insulin/insulin growth factor signaling in morph differences. Evolution and Development.1-12: ede.12326
55. Frankino, W.A., Bakota, E., Dworkin, I, Wilkinson, G.S., Wolf, J.B., Shingleton, A.W. 2019. Individual cryptic scaling relationships and the evolution of animal form. Journal of Integrative and Comparative Biology. icz135.
54. Shingleton , A.W. 2019. Which line to follow? The utility of different line-fitting methods to capture the mechanism of morphological scaling. Journal of Integrative and Comparative Biology. icz059
Play around with the associated Shiny App here.
53. Dreyer, A.P., Shingleton, A.W. 2019. Insulin-insensitivity in male genitalia maintains reproductive success in Drosophila. Biology Letters. 15: 20190057
Read more about this paper here.
52. Mirth, C.K., Shingleton, A.W. 2019. Coordinating Development: How do animals integrate plastic and robust developmental processes? Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 7:8
51. McDonald, J.M., Ghosh, S.M., Gascoigne, S.J., Shingleton, A.W. 2018. Plasticity through canalization: The contrasting effect of temperature on trait size and growth in Drosophila. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 6:156
50. Shingleton , A.W., Frankino, W.A. 2018. The (ongoing) problem of relative growth. Current Opinion in Insect Science. 25. 9-19
49. Shingleton, A.W., Masandika, J. R., Thorsen, L.S., Zhu, Y., Mirth, C.K. 2017. The sex-specific effects of diet quality versus quantity on size and shape in Drosophila melanogaster. Royal Society Open Science. 4: 170375.
48. Saleh Ziabari, O., Shingleton, A.W. 2017. Quantifying abdominal pigmentation in Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Visualized Experiments. 124. 55732
47. Gokhale, R.H., Hayashi, T., Mirque, C.D., Shingleton, A.W. 2016. Intra-organ growth coordination in Drosophila is mediated by systemic ecdysone signaling. Developmental Biology. 418: 135-145.
46. Dreyer, A.P., Saleh Ziabari, O., Swanson, E.M., Chawla, A., Frankino, W.A., Shingleton, A.W. 2016. Cryptic individual scaling relationships and the evolution of morphological scaling. Evolution . 70: 1703-1706.
45. Mirth, C.K., W. A. Frankino, Shingleton, A.W. 2016. Allometry and Size Control: What can studies of body size regulation tell us about the evolution of morphological scaling relationships? Current Opinion in Insect Science . 13: 93–98
44. Stillwell, R.C., Shingleton, A.W., Dworkin, I., Frankino, W.A. 2016. Tipping the scales: Evolution of the allometric slope independent of average trait size. Evolution. 7: 433-444.
43. Shingleton, A.W. 2015. Physiology: Female flies have the guts for reproduction. Current Biology. 25: R716-718..
42. Herbosa, L., Oliviera, M.M., Talamillo, Pérez, C., González, M., Martín, D., Sutherland, J.D., Shingleton, A.W., Mirth, C.K., Barrio, R. 2015. Ecdysone promotes growth of imaginal discs through the regulation of Thor in D. melanogaster. Scientific Reports. 5: 12383
41. Harrison, J.F., Shingleton, A.W., Callier, V. 2015. Stunted by developing in hypoxia: Linking comparative and model organism studies. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 88: 455-70.
40. Gokhale, R.H., Shingleton, A.W. 2015. Size Control. WIRE: Developmental Biology. 4: 335-356.
39. Koyama, T., Rodrigues, M.A., Athanasiadas, A., Shingleton, A.W., Mirth, C.K. 2014. Nutritional control of body size through FoxO-Ultraspiracle mediated ecdysone biosynthesis. eLife. 3:e03091.
38. Mirth, C. K., Shingleton, A.W. 2014. Interacting to control size: the roles of juvenile hormone, insulin/Target Of Rapamycin and ecydsone signalling in regulating body size in Drosophila. Communicative and Integrative Biology. 7: e29240
37. Baqri RM, Pietron AV, Gokhale RH, Turner BA, Kaguni LS, Shingleton A.W., Kunes S, Miller KE. 2014. Mitochondrial Chaperone TRAP1 Activates the Mitochondrial UPR and Extends Healthspan in Drosophila. Mechanisms of Aging and Development. doi: 10.1016/j.mad.2014.09.002
36. Oliveira, M.M., Shingleton, A.W., Mirth, C.K. 2014. Tissue pattern is not tightly coordinated with whole body development. PLoS Genetics. 10(6): e1004408
35. Mirth, C.K., Tang, H., Makohon-Moore, S., Salhadar, S., Gokhale, R.H., Riddiford, L.M., Shingleton, A.W., 2014. Juvenile hormone regulates body size and perturbs insulin-signaling in Drosophila. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1313058111
34. Nijhout, H.F., Riddiford, L.M., Mirth, C., Shingleton, A.W., Suzuki, Y. Callier, V. 2014, The developmental control of size in insects. WIRE: Developmental Biology, 3, 113-134.
See also a commentary on this paper on ScienceNow and IFL Science.
33. Callier, V., Shingleton, A.W., Brent, C.S., Ghosh, S.M., Kim, J., Harrison, J.F., 2013. The role of reduced oxygen in the developmental physiology of growth and metamorphosis initiation in Drosophila melanogaster. The Journal of Experimental Biology, 216, 4334-4340.
Short listed for JEB's "Outstanding Paper Prize 2013". See also "How big is enough: O2'S role in sensing body size", JEB, 216:ii.
32. Kültz, D., Clayton, D.F., Robinson, G.E., Albertson, C., Carey, H.V., Cummings, M.E., Dewar, K., Edwards, S.V., Hofmann, H.A., Gross, L.J., Kingsolver, J.G., Meaney, M.J., Schlinger, B.A., Shingleton, A.W., Sokolowski, M.B., Somero, G.N., Stanzione, D.C., Todgham, A.E. 2013. New frontiers for organismal biology. BioScience, 63, 464-471.
31. Ghosh, S.M., Testa, N.D., Shingleton, A.W. 2013. Temperature Size Rule is mediated by thermal plasticity of critical size in Drosophila melanogaster. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London. Series B, 280, no 1760.
30. Bates, P.W., Liang, Y., Shingleton, A.W. 2013. Growth regulation and the insulin-signaling pathway. Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 8 (1), 65-78.
29. Testa, N.D., Ghosh, S.M., Shingleton, A.W. 2013. Sex-specific weight loss mediates sexual size dimorphism in Drosophila melanogaster. PLoS One, 8(3): e58936.
28. Shingleton, A.W., Frankino, W.A. 2013. New perspectives on the evolution of exaggerated traits. BioEssay, 35, 100-107
27. Shingleton, A.W., Tang, H.Y. 2012. Plastic flies: The regulation and evolution of trait variability in Drosophila. Fly, 6, 1-3
26.Mirth, C.K., Shingleton, A.W. 2012. Intergrating body and organ size in Drosophila: recent advances and outstanding problems. Frontiers in Experimental Endocrinology, 3:49
25. Dreyer, A.P., Shingleton, A.W. 2011. The effect of genetic and environmetal variation on genital size in male Drosophila: Canalized but developmentally unstable. PLoS One, 6, e28278
24. Tang, H., Smith-Caldas, M.S.R., Driscoll, M.V., Salhadar, S. & Shingleton, A.W. 2011. FOXO regulates organ-specific phenotypic plasticity in Drosophila. PLoS Genetics, 7, e1002373
See also report in ScienceDaily, "Headline Science: Environmental Sensitivity of Body Parts" in Science Teacher and "Research Highlights: Plastic Flies" in Nature Review Genetics. Listen to a radio interview spot about our research, here, and an NPR 'Academic Minute" spot, here.
23. Parker, N.F. & Shingleton, A.W. 2011. The coordination of growth among Drosophila organs in response to localized growth perturbation. Developmental Biology, 357, 318-325
22. Stillwell, R.C., Dworkin, I.M., Shingleton, A.W., Frankino. W.A. 2011. Experimental manipulation of body size to estimate morphological scaling relationships in Drosophila. Journal of Visualized Experiments, e3162
21. Shingleton, A.W. 2011. The regulation and evolution of growth and body size. in"Mechanisms of Life History Evolution" (T. Flatt & A. Heyland, Eds), OUP
20. Shingleton, A.W. 2010. Allometry. Nature Education Knowledge, 1(9):2
19. Shingleton, A.W. 2010. The regulation of organ size in Drosophila: Physiology, plasticity, patterning and physical force. Organogenesis, 6, 1-12
18. Shingleton, A.W., Estep, C.M., Driscoll, M.V., Dworkin, I. 2009. Many ways to be small: Different environmental regulators of size generate different scaling relationships in Drosophila melanogaster. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London. Series B, 276, 2625-2633
17. Frankino, W.A., Emlen, D.J. & Shingleton, A.W. 2009. Experimental approaches to studying the evolution of morphological allometries: The shape of things to come. in "Experimental Evolution" (T. Garland & M.R. Rose, Eds), University of California Press, Berkley.
16. Ramakrishnan, J., Shingleton, A., Reeves, D. Key, J.M., Vural, E. 2009. The effects of molar tooth involvement in mandibular angle fractures treated with rigid fixation. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 140, 845-848
15. Stieper, B.C., Kupershtok, M., Driscoll, M.V. & Shingleton, A.W. 2008. Imaginal disc growth regulates the timing of metamorphosis in Drosophila melanogaster. Developmental Biology, 321, 18-26
See also "Editors' Choice", Science, 321, 12
14. Shingleton, A.W., Mirth, C.K. & Bates, P.W. 2008. Developmental model of static allometry in holometabolous insects. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London. Series B, 275, 1875-1885
13. Vural, E. Winfield, H.L., Shingleton, A.W., Horn, T.D. & Shaferstein, G. 2008.The effect of laser irradition on Trichophyton rubrum growth, Lasers in Medical Science, 23, 349-353
12. Shingleton, A.W., Frankino, W.A., Flatt, T. Nijhout, H.F. & Emlen, D.J. 2007.Size and Shape: The regulation of static allometry in insects, BioEssays, 29 (6), 536-548
11. Shingleton, A.W. 2005, Body-Size Regulation: Combining Genetics and Physiology, Current Biology, 15 (20), R825-R827
10. Shingleton, A.W., Das, J., Vinicius, L. & Stern, D.L. 2005. The temporal requirements for insulin signaling during development in Drosophila, PLoS Biology, 3 (9)
See also "Research Highlights: Sizing up the fly", Nature Reviews Genetics, 6, 802
9. Shingleton, A.W., Stern, D.L. & Foster, W.A. 2005. The origin of a mutualism: a morphological trait promoting the evolution of ant-aphid mutualisms, Evolution, 59 (4), 921-926
A Faculty of 1000 "must read"
8. Shingleton, A.W., Sisk, G.C., & Stern, D.L. 2003. Diapause in the pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) is a slowing but not a cessation of development, BMC Developmental Biology, 3 (7)
7. Braendle, C., Miura, T., Bickel, R., Shingleton, A.W., Kambhampati, S., Stern, D.L. 2003. Developmental origin and evolution of bacteriocytes in the aphid-Buchnera symbiosis, PLoS Biology, 1, 70-76
6. Miura, T., Braendle, C., Shingleton A.W., Sisk, G., Kambhampati, S. & Stern, D.L. 2003. Comparison of the parthenogenetic and sexual embryogenesis of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea), Journal of Experimental Zoology, Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution, 295B, 59-81.
5. Braendle, C., Hockley, N., Brevig, T., Shingleton, A.W., Keller, L. 2003. Size-correlated division of labour and spatial distribution of workers in the driver ant, Dorylus molestus, Naturwissenschaften, 90, 277-281
4. Shingleton A.W. & Stern, D.L. 2003. Molecular phylogenetic evidence for multiple gains or losses of ant mutualism within the aphid genus Chaitophorus. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 26, 26-35.
3. Shingleton, A.W. & Foster, W.A. 2001. Behaviour, morphology and the division of labour in two soldier-producing aphids. Animal Behaviour, 62, 671-67
2. Fischer, M.K. & Shingleton, A.W. 2001. Host plant and ants influence the honeydew sugar composition of aphids. Functional Ecology, 15, 544-550.
1. Shingleton, A.W. & Foster, W. A. 2000. Ant tending influences soldier production in a social aphid. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London. Series B, 267, 1863-1868.